Service and Maintenance of Fume Hood

What happens when your Fume Hood gets neglected?
Your Fume Hood will deteriorate at a quicker pace, decreasing the level of Fume Hood longevity, efficiency, hygiene and overall productivity.
With our Preventive Maintenance, you don't need to worry about such troubles!

XLab Innovator's Fume Hood Preventive Maintenance (FHPM) service relieves you of the
unnecessary stress to keep your Fume Hood clean and up to par.
  • Lengthens the longevity of your Fume Hood.
  • Lowers the risk of sudden breakdowns.
  • Increases efficiency in your Fume Hood.
  • Creates a more hygienic environment.
  • Airflow and Service reports will be given after inspection.
  • Saves money on replacement parts.